Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020


Review film Nico's weg by Fawwaaz

Directed by Steffen Mahnert ; Produced by Andreas Krug, Stefan Friese, René Kibrité ; Starring Tayfun Baydar, Beka Bediana, Lars Dickel, Sarah Hannemann, Wolfgang Schlößer, Catharina Sofie, Yeliz Simsek, Isabel Trimborn, Florian Wünsche, Alwin Eifler, Charley Ann ; Music by Marko Vinokic ; Cinematography by Victor Voß, Sabine Boehlck ; Edited by Katrin Ewald ; Production companies DW - Deutsche Welle [de] ; Distributed by Deutsch lernen mit der DW ; Release date March,19 2019 ; Running time 108 minutes ; Country Deutschland, Europe ; Language Deutsch.

Story / Synopsis:

Young Spanish man called Nico arrived at the airport in Germany. As he is taking a look around, he listens to a language course on headphones, with greetings in German. Then Emma comes up and starts talking to him. Nico is taking a look around the airport and absorbing the sights and sounds. As he leaves the airport he meets Emma again. And he suddenly realizes that his bag has vanished. With people coming and going and saying goodbye to each other around him, Nico doesn’t know what he should do. Then Emma and her aunt Lisa return and offer to help him.

Lisa and Emma hear from Nico why he has come to Germany, and they give him a ride into town. In the car, Emma arranges alphabet cookies to form her name and teaches Nico how to introduce himself in German.

While they are stuck in traffic, Emma and Lisa practice introductions with Nico. When Lisa stops at a gas station to fill up, Nico suddenly recognizes the cab that drove away with his bag in it. At the gas station, Nico stops the cab which he thinks has his bag inside. Lisa tries to calm the angry cab driver and introduces herself and Nico. 

Meanwhile Nico opens the trunk and find nothing. Lisa, Nico and Emma are about to drive on when Lisa runs into her friend Max. Max asks Nico who he is and where he’s comes from. When it becomes clear that Nico doesn’t know how to find his aunt, Max has an idea. 

Lisa phones her father who is in the police force. He says she is to bring Nico to the police station. Maybe her father can help Nico. Before going to the police station, Lisa and Nico take Emma to a children’s birthday party. On the way there, Nico draws Emma a picture with numbers, and Emma teaches Nico how to count to 12 in German. While Lisa is taking Emma to the door, Nico waits in the car, listening to the radio. When someone calls the radio and mentions a lost bag, Nico grabs Lisa’s cell phone and dials the number of the radio station. Lisa is exchanging phone numbers with Lotte’s mother when she suddenly hears Nico on the radio. Nico is trying to explain his problem to the radio presenter. Lisa runs to the car and grabs the phone out of his hand. 

At the police station, Lisa’s father asks Nico where he lives, his date of birth and passport number. He wants to help Nico. As Nico still doesn’t know where to find his aunt, Lisa takes him back to her shared apartment. Nico meets Lisa’s roommates, Sebastian and Nina, who are hanging fairy lights up in the courtyard. After they have introduced themselves, Lisa asks whether Nico can stay in the shared apartment for the next few days. In the apartment, Nico shows Nina and Sebastian the photo of his aunt Yara. While Nina is getting drinks for everyone, they all try to work out how Nico can find his aunt. 

Sebastian goes to get Nawin and introduces him to Nico. Since everyone is hungry, they decide to order pizza. The pizza delivery woman has arrived. Lisa pays the bill and Sebastian hands the pizzas around. When the roommates are sitting down to eat, Nico finds out why there’s going to be a party in the apartment that evening. 

Nico’s first morning in the shared apartment: Nico comes into the kitchen half asleep and is surprised to see Lisa racing around in a panic. Nina explains what’s wrong. Nico gets to learn the words for several objects. The lesson is over. Nico looks around the classroom while Lisa is on the phone to someone who has applied for Nawin’s room. The next applicant arrives. It quickly becomes clear that she has very particular ideas about life in a shared apartment. It’s also obvious that Lisa has a problem. Then they leave to begin the hunt for Yara’s shop. 

Lisa and Nico walk through the city looking for the address that someone Sebastian knows posted under the photo of Yara’s shop. But when they reach their destination they get a nasty surprise.

 In this film Nico experience many things about Deutsch, From the language, culture, and of course the food count in. Nico make the viewer's position like himself, totally lost in the foreign country literally don't have any idea what he gonna do, he lost his bag, he lost his passport, he lost his aunt address, he can't speak Deutsch fluently. 

Review :

I think this film is good, this film is able to teach us and educate us indirectly in speaking, listening to German because when I watched it I was carried away to say the words that were spoken by the actor and the actress , from this film it also teaches our material that has been studied before and to remember again  such as from numbers, how to speak introduction ourself and ask questions and for ask for repeat sentences. we can also learn little by little the culture of the German people, they are kind and friendly, they are happy to help and care for others

And i think i will give 4/5 for the movie besides i still not too understand the conversation but i like it

Rabu, 30 September 2020

My Ambitions

 My first ambition is to bring a better social name to senior highschool 3 , to make SMA 3 a competent student council then bring SMA 3 to be better.

Second, I want to be a chef, I want to be a chef who brings a good name in Indonesia to become the number 1 chef in Indonesia.

third, I want to be a person who can succeed in the world and succeed in the hereafter also I want to pursue success in the world without forgetting the hereafter too.

and my own efforts to achieve my ambition is to evaluate myself first for the beginning, evaluate in order to become a better person. Second, I try to be an active person in the organization, make people's views of social students can also be active, achievement can bring change. thirdly I will work as much as possible on the OSIS to make SMA 3 better. the fourth I started cooking practice, started cooking for home. dab lastly I always do my best to always worship, always do positive things reduce negative things to get merits

Minggu, 19 Juli 2020



Andy : "haii sam, how are you ? what will you going to do before osis president election ?"
sami : "hey dy... i'm fine.... i don't i think i won't participate in this osis president election."
andy :  "why ?.... there are 3 your friend in that event that participate in this osis president election."
sami : " yeah...cause that i won't participate in this osis president selection, cause that im scare that if 
           i choose one of them and my another friend will angry to me cause im not choose them"
Andy : "Wwwhat... why you can thinking untill that perspective, Sam we choose our osis president                  cause thats important i suggest you to choose one of them for better 3 senior highscholl
            dont take it to your feelling remember we here choosing for better of our school and i believe              that the person who not become osis president they wont angry to you because they know                    what are they minus to become osis president."
sami : "hmm... ok i think you did it, you motivate me to choose our osis president and i agree to                      you...can you suggest me who would i choose for osis president ?"
Andy : "hmm i suggest you to choose Rezqa because he is a good person, diligent students, able to                    think critically and have mature thoughts"
Sami : "wanderfull ideaaa... i agree with you, so in this osis president election im going to choose                    rezqa for osis president"


Sami : "ahhh thats bell is signing break time i think i'll threat you potatoes and can you treat me                       drink?"
Andy : "hmm... thats a good offer i'll take it, so what we waiting for ??? lets go to the canteen and                    buy some foods and drink.... Lets go."
Sami : "hey.... wait for me." 

Jumat, 24 April 2020

Journey to the west

Journey To The West

So this is my story telling hope you have fun enjoyy

Once upon a time there lived a monk and the name is Tong sam cong who he was cursed by a devil to be a baby, cause tong sam cong had defeated the devil. To restore tong samcong to his original body he must find the holy book. When tong sam cong went to the west he is accompanied by his 4 students and they were sung go kong, wu jing, pat kai , and the horse and they are the incarnations of the gods.

and the journey is started

When Tong sam cong and his student went to the west they had a lot of problems like from the start of fierce animal, an extreme weather and other temptations. and then something happens they meet a blind little girl and she was left by her parents.

Cause tong samcong felt sorry to the girl so he bring the girlp with him to joined the journey to the west. But with the magic sense of smell Wukong wukong attack the girl, and the girl, and the girl feels pain.because the action of wukong tong sam cong was angry and drove out wukong but wukong said she was a devil who was incarnated to be a girl but tong sam ignored him and droved out wukong from his student and this journey

So wukong just went and when wukong was far away the girl laughed and turned into its original form and tom sam felt weird to that girl she said " ahahaha why you so stupid sam cong so the fact is true wukong is incredible and you so stupid now i will kill you and your students" the demon is called out her army and attack tong sam cong and wujin and patkai.

Tong sam cong and his students is almost win but, they were tired so they were lost. But suddenly wukong flew and flew against the demon army and wukong won the war, but the devil got angry and fought wukong, wukong was exhausted and the devil called back the troops and then wukong is almost die but in the same time tong sam cong was prayed to the gods to save his student and himself

And the miracle is came all the demons army were killed and the queen was died. Then tong sam cong is was reallized that we don't be easily fooled by others and we shouldnt stop praying for something that we needed.

Senin, 16 Maret 2020

 That is my infographic and guys dont forget to stay at home dont go anywhere, stay safe and stay happy.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2020

• May 20, 1908

Budi Oetomo

The pioneering period was the first step of nationalism which began with the formation of national movement organizations. May 20, 1908 was the initial movement marked by the birth of the Budi Utomo movement.

• Dec. 25, 1912

Indische Partij

In 1912 an organization was spearheaded by Douwes Dekker which aimed to eliminate Dutch colonialism and exploitation of the Indies called the Indische Partij. This party was the first party that openly demanded Indonesian independence.

•Oct 28, 1928

Sumpah pemuda

The affirmation period is a time of strengthening the national spirit of all Indonesian people, the affirmation is evidenced by the Youth Oath on October 28, 1928. The contents of the youth oath include one united nation, one nation, and one language namely Indonesian.

•Sep 9, 1944

Perjanjian jepang
The history of Pancasila begins with the promise of independence to the Indonesian people by the Prime Minister of Japan. The Prime Minister of Japan at that time was Kuniaki Koiso.

•Apr 29, 1945

the formation of BPUPKI institutions by Japan

The Japanese government formed the BPUPKI (Investigation Agency for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence).

•Jun 22, 1945
Panitia sembilan

The nine-member committee succeeded in formulating the draft of the Preamble of the Constitution which is known as the Jakarta Charter (Jakarta Charter). The Pancasila formulation contained in the Jakarta Charter

•Aug 18, 1945

PPKI Session

The first precept that first reads "Godhead with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents", then changed to be more concise, namely "Godhead of the Almighty".

Period: May 29, 1945 to Jun 1, 1945

The basis of the country

The BPUPKI session was chaired by Dr. Radjiman Widyodiningrat

Period: Jul 10, 1945 to Jul 16, 1945

•BPUPKI II Session

To discuss the results of the work of the nine committee, BPUPKI held a second session and produced several decisions, which included the basic agreement of the

Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai or the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Agency for Investigation (BPUPKI) held its first session from May 29 and finished on June 1, 1945. The meeting opened on May 28, 1945 and discussions began the next day May 29, 1945 with the basic theme of the state.

 The first meeting was held at the Chuo Sangi In building on Jalan Pejambon 6 Jakarta, now known as the Pancasila Building.  In Dutch times, the building was a Volksraad or Representative building

 After a few days of not getting a bright spot, on June 1, 1945, Sukarno had a turn to convey his ideas about the basis of an independent Indonesian state, called Pancasila.  The speech, which was not prepared in writing in advance, was accepted by the acclamation of all BPUPKI members.

 Furthermore BPUPKI formed a small committee to formulate and draft the Basic Law based on Bung Karno's speech.  Then the Nine Committee was formed consisting of Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, and Mr.  AA Maramis, Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso, Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Agus Salim, Achmad Soebardjo, Wahid Hasjim, and Mohammad Yamin who were assigned to redefine Pancasila as the Basis of the State based on speeches made by Sukarno on June 1, 1945 and made the document as a text to proclaim the independence of Indonesia  .

 After going through the trial process and lobbying, finally the formulation of the Pancasila results from Soekarno's excavation was successfully formulated to be included in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

 In the preface to the opening of the speech, which for the first time was published in 1947, the former Chairman of the BPUPKI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat said that Soekarno's speech contained the Birth of Pancasila.

 Now, June 1 is officially set to be the Pancasila Birthday

Senin, 24 Februari 2020

I'm sorry

dear ms.wiwin forgive me miss because i have acted not wearing and also irresponsible i say the biggest sorry, biggest than earth and i apologize for my actions. and thanks miss for being faithful and patient and steadfast has taught us

Sometimes I can't be my own
Or else I'll think too much again
And it's about what I did wrong
Times like this I wish you're here with me
Oh yeah
For all the things I didn't do
And all the love that haven't got to you
I'm sorry
I wish I could turn back the time
And let you know, I never meant to hurt you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I miss us when I'm on my own
Or now I feel too much again?
It's plain and cold after you're gone
Times like this I wish you're here with me
Oh yeah
And hold me
And hold me
For all the things I didn't do
And all the love that haven't got to you
I'm sorry
I wish I could turn back the time
And let you know, I never meant to hurt you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
For all the things I didn't say
And all the times I wasn't there with you
I'm sorry
I know I couldn't turn back the time
And let you know, I never meant to hurt you
So I'm sorry
(I'm sorry)

Minggu, 09 Februari 2020


watch this incredible vlog

Hasil gambar untuk poster animation monkey king


Once upon a time there lived a monk and the name is Tong sam cong who he was cursed by a devil to be a baby, cause tong sam cong had defeated the devil. To restore tong samcong to his original body he must find the holy book. When tong sam cong went to the west he is accompanied by his 4 students and they were sung go kong, wu jing, pat kai , and the horse and they are the incarnations of the gods.

and the journey is started

When Tong sam cong and his student went to the west they had a lot of problems like from the start of fierce animal, an extreme weather and other temptations. and then something happens they meet a blind little girl and she was left by her parents.

Cause tong samcong felt sorry to the girl so he bring the girl with him to joined the journey to the west. But with the magic sense of smell Wukong wukong attack the girl, and the girl, and the girl feels pain.because the action of wukong tong sam cong was angry and drove out wukong but wukong said she was a devil who was incarnated to be a girl but tong sam cong still drove him away.

And then wukong just went went went went went and went away from tom san cong he felt sad during his departure and suddenly he felt something bad would happen to his teacher and his friends and he immediately flew after his teacher and his friends

So wukong just went and when wukong was far away the girl laughed and turned into its original form and tom sam felt weird to that girl she said " ahahaha why you so stupid sam cong so the fact is true wukong is incredible and you so stupid now i will kill you and your students" the demon is called out her army and attack tong sam cong and wujin and patkai.

Tong sam cong and his students is almost win but, they were tired so they were lost. But suddenly wukong flew and flew against the demon army and wukong won the war, but the devil got angry and fought wukong, wukong was exhausted and the devil called back the troops and then wukong is almost die but in the same time tong sam cong was prayed to the gods to save his student and himself

And the miracle is came all the demons army were killed and the queen was died. Then tong sam cong is was reallized that we don't be easily fooled by others and we shouldnt stop praying for something that we needed.

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020


     waalaikumsalam yow guys, as usual i get another assignment from ms.Wiwin, and the task is make a blog about my holiday. But in my holiday there isn't an interesting activities so you just need to listen or read this blog AND.......WELCOME.....TO MY BLOG.

      When the holidays come, I'm so happy cause I can met with my friend often to discuss about some activity. We are have a meeting 3 times to discuss our activity next.

1 meeting :

     the place is in Upnormal  we are talked about our activity next and we dicided to went to mountain because, we are a newbie so we dicided to went to artapella mountain and its about 2184 masl. In first meeting we talked and joked, cause its been a long time to not gather around.

2 meeting :

     the place is in EatBoss. This time we are discuss about equipment that we must to carried and our personal equipment, we are discuss about the date, the transportation, how many people that would joined this expedition, and there are 7 people who would did this expedition.

3 meeting :

     THE place is in Upnormal This last meeting is talked about the certainty of people who would went to the mountain, the aquipment, the transportation, and the licensing to our parents.


     AT 07.00am we are gather around at my friends house and the house is at haremis street. And then we put our carierr in the car, after that we are farewell to our parents, and then we went to artapella mountains. after a few time we are arrived but before we arrived we are lost and we are in wrong way but finally we are back on the right way. after we arrived, first  we are praying together to wage and not lost way.

my hopes and dream

Hopes :
  • I want that my parents live their lives happily.
  • I have lots of money.
This are my hopes as per i thought in two minutes.
Dreams :
  • My one and only Dream is to be traveler.
  • I want to explore the world.
  • I want to gift something to this world
  • i i want to be a chef