Minggu, 08 Maret 2020

• May 20, 1908

Budi Oetomo

The pioneering period was the first step of nationalism which began with the formation of national movement organizations. May 20, 1908 was the initial movement marked by the birth of the Budi Utomo movement.

• Dec. 25, 1912

Indische Partij

In 1912 an organization was spearheaded by Douwes Dekker which aimed to eliminate Dutch colonialism and exploitation of the Indies called the Indische Partij. This party was the first party that openly demanded Indonesian independence.

•Oct 28, 1928

Sumpah pemuda

The affirmation period is a time of strengthening the national spirit of all Indonesian people, the affirmation is evidenced by the Youth Oath on October 28, 1928. The contents of the youth oath include one united nation, one nation, and one language namely Indonesian.

•Sep 9, 1944

Perjanjian jepang
The history of Pancasila begins with the promise of independence to the Indonesian people by the Prime Minister of Japan. The Prime Minister of Japan at that time was Kuniaki Koiso.

•Apr 29, 1945

the formation of BPUPKI institutions by Japan

The Japanese government formed the BPUPKI (Investigation Agency for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence).

•Jun 22, 1945
Panitia sembilan

The nine-member committee succeeded in formulating the draft of the Preamble of the Constitution which is known as the Jakarta Charter (Jakarta Charter). The Pancasila formulation contained in the Jakarta Charter

•Aug 18, 1945

PPKI Session

The first precept that first reads "Godhead with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents", then changed to be more concise, namely "Godhead of the Almighty".

Period: May 29, 1945 to Jun 1, 1945

The basis of the country

The BPUPKI session was chaired by Dr. Radjiman Widyodiningrat

Period: Jul 10, 1945 to Jul 16, 1945

•BPUPKI II Session

To discuss the results of the work of the nine committee, BPUPKI held a second session and produced several decisions, which included the basic agreement of the

Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai or the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Agency for Investigation (BPUPKI) held its first session from May 29 and finished on June 1, 1945. The meeting opened on May 28, 1945 and discussions began the next day May 29, 1945 with the basic theme of the state.

 The first meeting was held at the Chuo Sangi In building on Jalan Pejambon 6 Jakarta, now known as the Pancasila Building.  In Dutch times, the building was a Volksraad or Representative building

 After a few days of not getting a bright spot, on June 1, 1945, Sukarno had a turn to convey his ideas about the basis of an independent Indonesian state, called Pancasila.  The speech, which was not prepared in writing in advance, was accepted by the acclamation of all BPUPKI members.

 Furthermore BPUPKI formed a small committee to formulate and draft the Basic Law based on Bung Karno's speech.  Then the Nine Committee was formed consisting of Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, and Mr.  AA Maramis, Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso, Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Agus Salim, Achmad Soebardjo, Wahid Hasjim, and Mohammad Yamin who were assigned to redefine Pancasila as the Basis of the State based on speeches made by Sukarno on June 1, 1945 and made the document as a text to proclaim the independence of Indonesia  .

 After going through the trial process and lobbying, finally the formulation of the Pancasila results from Soekarno's excavation was successfully formulated to be included in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

 In the preface to the opening of the speech, which for the first time was published in 1947, the former Chairman of the BPUPKI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat said that Soekarno's speech contained the Birth of Pancasila.

 Now, June 1 is officially set to be the Pancasila Birthday

1 komentar:

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    Keep up the good work :)
